AMNYTT 4/2022 | Page 81


Introduction to Ethernet

Ethernet as we know it today
• RJ45 connector
• 4-wire / 8-wire
• Separate power supply
• Private / office environment
• 100 Mbps +
• Max . 100m
➔ does not fit to the requirements of process plants
Requirements of Process Industries
• Connection for harsh conditions
• 2-wire cabling
• Power and data via same cable
• Explosion hazardous areas
• High speed and bandwidth
• Up to 1000m
➔ Ethernet-APL ( Advanced Physical Layer )
What are the key benefits from using Ethernet-APL ?
For engineers :
• Designed for process and hybrid industries
• State-of-the-art technology supporting digitalization concepts
• Flexible and scalable network topology design
• No need for hazardous area calculations ( 2-WISE )
• High availability by a variety of redundancy mechanisms
For operators and maintenance personnel :
• Increased performance by accurate digital process values , high-speed data transfer and simple remote device access
• Optimized reliability by continuous diagnostics , monitoring and remote verification
• Seamless data access by homogeneous network for 2 nd channel and IIoT
• Start-up records for automatic configuration at device exchange
Digital vs analog
Engineering Commissioning Operation & Maintenance
faster engineering
faster start-up of production
• OPEX efficiency
• increased flexibility
• high plant performance
Digital Analog cost savings faster amortization
Cost comparison analog and digital technologies
Good to know ! Ethernet-APL combines benefits of simple and robust 2-wire technology with benefits of Ethernet , enabling top-performance and seamless data access in the field of process plants .
Successful evaluation of Ethernet-APL technology
In the BASF Ethernet-APL lab , BASF engineers evaluated the Ethernet-APL technology over several months . Different topologies and use cases according to the requirements of BASF plants were in focus . The engineers identified many advantages of the new technology such as :
• Simple and flexible installation
• Simple integration into DCS
• Stable and fast Ethernet communication
• High availability of process
• Plug and play device exchange
• Data export in the 2 nd channel
BASF is convinced that Ethernet-APL is the best technology for future plants .
BASF Ethernet-APL evaluation lab