The basics of device circuit breakers | Why device circuit breakers ?
Why device circuit breakers ?
The demands being placed on modern machinery and systems have continued to grow in recent years . Supply voltage and fuse protection are a very important part of ensuring system availability . This is because one fault can affect the entire system . The right combination of power supply and circuit breakers can reliably protect machines and systems .
1.1 Benefits and advantages of device circuit breakers
An electrical system consists of many components that must work together in concert . Many loads are supplied by the same power supply in this type of arrangement . This creates dependencies that are important and critical to system availability . Unscheduled machine downtime is to be avoided at all costs . Therefore it is very important to ensure that , in the event of a fault , any loads and circuits not involved remain unaffected by the fault . The supply voltage must likewise be maintained in the event of a fault . That is the only way to ensure smooth operation . If an overload or
Power supply main features
Switched-mode power supply units generate a constant voltage and are generally short-circuit proof . Moreover , they are highly efficient . Many switched-mode power supply units offer more than just constant voltage : functions such as static or dynamic Power Boost ( Quint Power ) for short-term current boosts or SFB pulse for magnetically tripping a miniature circuit breaker . Furthermore , monitoring functions such as DC OK monitoring help raise system availability to a high level . In addition , there are many setting and configuration options available via NFC or directly when ordering . However , if the power supply unit is overloaded and a voltage dip occurs , the connected devices will fail .
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